Is any body interested in a coaches v parents football match over the xmas holiday period (weather permitting) ? Can you ask your parents and get back to me please and I will arrange a pitch, ref, after match drinks etc.
There will be no cost's as we can use my pitch at the Spider park. I will ask a junior ref to assist so that might incur a small donation but other than that its just a kick about and a pint or three after it. Please get back to me with numbers , if we get to many we can easily make a competition out of it.
Well it looks like we nearly have a team already without the other managers seeing this post so we should not have much trouble sorting it. Can I get a list of names off people, and their parents just so we can get organised. Ideally we need 9 a side but we will need about 13 per team to cover subs and also people not turning up at the last minute.