"Will all senior managers (U 12, 13, 14, 16 and 18) please note, we do not postpone or cancel our league or league cup games for schools football. If the game is not played the points will be awarded to the non offending team if both teams are involved the game will be declared void. Teams can bring any games forward to avoid this situation but will not be allowed to play the game after the date. I appeal to all managers to read the League Handbook and so avoid disappointment. All the best, Mike."
To be honest I can fully understand this attitude on a Saturday and Sunday, as the fixtures are laid out, but it is the same issue every September, Cup games clashing with School games. Why, instead of taking such a brash stance, can they not just draw the ties and games to be played wk beg...... then the two teams can agree a date and then let the refs and league know. Simples.
Hand book states that you should have a squad large enough to cope with the other fixtures ! but what happens if more than a couple get selected for the city schools or school teams and you cannot physically put out a full team ? I can only imagine the opposing manager would be awkward about bringing forward a match to accommodate you on say a Sunday, the week before, after a match on the Saturday simply because they would rather have the 3 points. if you are the stronger of the two sides. I fully understand why these rules are in place , because teams in the past have postponed fixtures due to not having there best team available, however in this instance I can only see one loser and that's the kids we give up our time for in the first place. Maybe we can get together with the league and try to come up with a suitable option that would suit every body.
Why don't the team who has lost players to the school just turn up with 7 players then after 5 minutes a player has to come off and the game has to be stopped? All in the laws of the game ;-/ and you can't be held accountable
As I initially stated, our game v Gilford was not cancelled by us and the school game was already in place on the alternative date offered.
Warren's suggestion of both involved managers being given the week to arrange the game to suit both parties seems very sensible - maybe that is it's downfall - all the solutions have been mentioned - it's really not difficult