As a parent of a Carlisle City FC u16 player , I was really angry and disappointed today to find out that the League has dictated that we haven to play our rescheduled league cup game tomorrow night V Gilford.
This is even after , our manager has informed the league that we cannot raise a team for that night.
We have boys already committed to playing for their school down at Ulswater. This game was arranged beforehand.
We have been informed that " We do not postpone matches for school games " - ludicrous in view of the circumstances. Our original game was cancelled by the Sheepmount last Thursday v Gilford Park , yet we only get one alternative date ???
Find it so unfair that we have to Gilford the game now - boys lose out again through stupid rules - we could surely get this played this week but no compromise has been offered.
We were not asking for a postponement to play a school game - just don't arrange the league cup game for the same night - it's not difficult !!
Is it too much to ask that common sense prevails ??
Well Tuesday has come and gone Jay and typically , common sense did not prevail . We have been forced to forfeit the game and Guliford have progressed without kickin a ball and getting their shorts dirty. Sure it won't be the last time we experience this nonsense !!!
I was text on Thursday afternoon , 19th Sept at 12:22 to inform me our game was cancelled. Don't know why the U14 game went ahead same night but as I say , only one alternative date offered to us which I don't think was fair .
Don't know why there's always such a rush to get the cup games played so early on in the season either, kind of takes away the enjoyment of playing cup games. Can't understand the leagues inability to be more flexible with rules they really should take a leaf out of the cumbrian women's league as they are more understanding with postponements, allow signings on the day etc.