Does anyone have any details on quiz coming up soon ? Times ticket price ect?
Unfortunately it looks as if the venue has a double-booking, so we may all need to attend a christening!
We will update details asap
The Kids quiz will now be held at the Pirelli Club on Sunday the 20th of May.
The quiz teams will consist of 1 adult per team and 3 children.
all other details will appear on this site soon.
every thing is back to origanal plans now mark, quiz is on the 20th, and
presentation back to july, mike was trying to move move forward with
presentation as it had been pointed out that july was a bit late for
presentation, but mike was just trying to get everybody there and avoid
holidays season, mikes trying to keep every one happy, but in a club our
size that'll never happen. nicola
Is the club not looking at having the end of season presentations on the 20th May now?
We are always happy always smiling
Thanks Nicola - by the way I have made that enq. regarding drinks and am waiting for a reply!
I will let you know as soon as I know anything.