Ive got it, but sorry Mr Walker, this shouldnt be sorted out at the last minute, the full schedule should be available by Christmas. Why wait till a month before.
All U7 and U8 are invited to the weekend but they play 2 x 10 min games by the looks of it, fixtures to be decided. one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Mark just a quick one to remember !! you carn`t play anyone thats a year below or who isn`t signed on.. Cos the longhorne league give out bigger fines to our little kids teams than the FA give to premier teams FACT!!! Just be careful mate !! And good luck hope the boys enjoy it playing on the hallowed turf..
Thanks for the feed back chaps - sorry I only wanted to know what the crack was with the day so that the boys didnt miss out.
We have never done this day before, or been told, and did not know how to enter it or if the U7 were even involved - I take it then that we just turn up on the day??????
You're right Mark, as a new team, the communication should be a bit different. I think the league put the onus on the club to feed back to all the sides.