Thanks for your post. It has taken a long time to gather up all the sponsorship money, and to be clear that there is not enough raised to purchase a mini bus.
There are discussions ongoing at the moment to decide how best to proceed- whether to have more fund-raising to get closer to the target.
This will be made clear to all once it has been decided.
I'm not sure what is meant by the link being removed- it still works from the football club home page. The Walk website does need updating and that will be attended to
One of the reasons for the lack of news on the mini bus is that we are still collecting sponsorship monies. The vast majority of monies are banked, however we are just waiting to receive funds from the Gosling Bridge then the walk can be officially closed. Saying that we are short of the £10k target so in a final attempt to reach this goal we have written to a couple of large local businesses to ask if they could help bridge the shortfall.
The intention is to use the club web site to thank everyone for their support as soon as we can bring this event to a close, which should be by the end of the month.
We have a full audited account of donations and expenditure that can be viewed by anyone who made a donation by contacting Joe McGarry who for those who do not know is the chairman of CCFC.
Apologies for the lack of news since the walk was over, but watch this space, news by the end of the month, promise.
I suppose that means that if anyone who hasn't donated can still do so.
The walk has banked £6,300 but there is still the money to come in from the events that Barbara and the lads and lasses at the Gosling Bridge arranged, once we have that in we will post a final figure.
Currently Warren, myself and the Club Committees are looking at other ways to raise the total to £10,000.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
Joe is putting together a "formal" thank you for all the sponsors which will appear on here shortly.
Finally, from Waza and I a massive thank you to everyone who contributed anything towards this event, whilst it was hard work it was also very enjoyable and I am certain we will get to £10k albeit it might take longer than we hoped.
Mr Anonymous, I am sorry you are agrieved. If you would like to discuss it in better detail than can be written on here I would be delighted to hear from you.
The money from Barbara and the staff and patrons of the Gosling Bridge is in (many thanks to them all). We have also managed to secure a bit more funding as well.
Current total stands at about £9,500, so not far away now and I think it is safe to say we can start looking for the bus now.
If anyone has any contacts/connections that we can talk to about purchasing a mini bus please let someone at the club know.
I would also like to inform the club, that we are only a few weeks away from cementing another 2-3k for the bus, which will make all the difference.
Mr A, just so you know, just because we stopped walking doesnt mean we stopped trying to achieve our goal, of amassing enough money so some of the Junior teams have the bus available to them and most impostantly we as a club could give a local school access to a bus thus saving time and money.