There is a race night in the Gosling on the Sunday after the festival, in aid of Wazas Walk and Edenvalley hospice. I know most of us will be a little tired but would be nice to see a few senior City members there. ALL welcome.
v interesting, from the outside, but with Wilbo involved, very boring. Keeping him from crying in his pint will be a full time job.... Josh Harding better be coming to look after the old fella
Listen to old snow shoes, crying in his pint, I wadna thort so. The first race is 9.00pm and you will be in bed by then just like when we went on the walk. Me and mamma Kerr drinking red wine to midnight laughing at those cumberland sausage toes sticking out from under the covers.
Wilbo, Wilbo, all those steps must have made you delusional, yes I was in bed, while you drank wine till the time you turned into a weirdowolf, but only because your crack was....poor. Needed a little me time as you were following me everyday, asking when it was dinnertime.....laters fatty