Just a note to say there will be a list of dates in the next couple of days for the walk assists...names as follows
Mark Wilson, Alan Kerr, Raymond Swailes, Mike Reed, Andy Raine, Joe McGarry, John Lu****, Darren Irving, Alan Rooks, Peter Osgood, Andy Walker, Carmen & the girls, and on the last day I hope as many managers can walk the last 7 miles from Gretna as poss, meeting at Asda with the junior teams and managers who can make it. TV will be there. Then walk into town centre.
I must mention the training schedule which we are doing is having a wierd affect on Wilbo. I have noticed that he is the only person to completely change his exercise habbits and walks 100 miles a week and put weight on....... Then I realised that Eastern Chineese Restaurant shares have gone through the roof, due to afternoon takings rapid increase and there has also been a very noticable increase in lunchtime takings in fast food establishments all round that area. Please, for the good of his health, if you see little Wilby wandering the town centre between 12-2pm, guide him towards a salad bar. Every bite counts my friend.
Noticed this last time we were out walking. To fit on the pavement only one of us could walk beside him with the other behind. All he talked about for 2 hours was how many fruit pies he could get in the sale at Morrisons.