On the Saturday of the Festival I ( and Pigeon I think ) were approached by a lady asking if she could take a CCFC t shirt or sweatshirt away as she lived in New Zealand but spoke fluent Geordie. She was pointed in the direction of JL and J McG in the tent. Not sure what the outcome was???
However it transpires that there is an issue with "people" using the logo, letterheads, sportswear for "inappropriate use" - SEE Longhorne League website.
It may be prudent of me now to ask the relevent powers that be within our club that we ensure that this does not happen and CCFC clothing and paperwork is only given to members of the club and that we ensure all the parents are also aware of this.
I have spoken with the CFA and they have informed me that allegedly there is a major police investigation taking place regarding fraud and other serious issues in the North East.
Well spotted Waza, the women in question told JmcGarry and myself she was living in Denmark, bit away from oz don't ya think, anyway we passed her on to the bear without any merchandise, Bear ans said lady last seen dissapearing to the car park, Banjo reckons there was a heavy snogging session goind on? no wonder bear was sweating that day!!