There will be a new policy put before the full management meeting this evening, Alan Kerr is putting it forward and Andy Walker is seconding it.
It's stems from the unfortunate winning of the Premiership title by the dark side and one Carlisle City manager's texting of other Carlisle City managers late at night after having a few Fosters on board. Saying that the said manager was in bed at tea time on saturday after having half a shandy too much, so the texts were early I guess - you know who you are!!!!
Failure to adher to the new policy will result in you having to wear an Arsenal shirt for a day, a second offence will result in you having to wear one of John's famous 'disco' shirts.
what's wrong with my disco shirts? I think Joe McGarry would suit one !! Big it up for the Geordies on Saturday, will be playing them in 2 seasons.Ha!!