Proposals for rule changes at next weeks EGM, at CUFC 7.30pm
1. Any player being de-registered and subsequently signing for another team in our league - after fully complying with league rules - be permitted to play against thier previous team in any future league fixture that season. The cup ruling will remain unchanged.
2. 28 day registration rule to be removed for non-competitive leagues.
3. Teams to vote on proposed changes to squad sizes.
4. Both managers to send in match results
5. In all competitive matches between member teams of this league a maximum score of nine goals will be recorded. i.e 23-0 will appear as a 9-0 win.
6. It is proposed that the 2013-14 season begins on Saturday 7th September, with league cup fixtures starting on Monday 9th September.
7. Each age group should have a designated evening on which to play thier cup fixtures, this will be decided by the management committee.
8. Roll on/roll off substitutes to be allowed in the U18 league