We are looking for volunteers from FA Charter Standard Clubs to register interest to work from 14 to 28 May 2011 as part of the UEFA team in the build up to the match at Wembley on 28th May.
We are now looking for a number of volunteers from the Football Family to help support UEFA in the lead up to, and during, the Final match itself and want to provide this opportunity for people who support and volunteer in FA Charter Standard Clubs.
The volunteer commitment is generally a few days (depending on the role) between 14 and 29 May 2011. Each volunteer is, of course, unpaid, but they will get branded outfits, fed and watered and there is a post event volunteer party! However there is no access to tickets and travel and accommodation are unpaid (if working at airport locations as a volunteer this may be reviewed).
This will be a great opportunity for FA Charter Standard Club Volunteers to get involved in this unique event.
Please quote reference code CHARTER 1, and provide the following information: Forename, Surname, Age, Email, Mobile number, Organisation, Job title, Whether you have a full driving licence, and any other useful information of other skills and/or languages that you might hold."