Congratulations to the both of you, makes all the time & effort worth while. Hopefully you'll both stop walking around the living room with a stop watch talking to yourselves.
Thanks guys all the hard work was proven worthwhile in the long run, Hendy got his result well before I did which put the pressure on a bit. I had visions of his name been put up in lights on the message board, with a side note of me being a duffer. Hendy was not in my group so did not get to see many of his sessions however everyone who was in his group spoke extremely highly of his coaching skills. Well done Hendy
Thanks for the comments guys. It is a course well worth doing. Hopfully will be able to put it into practice. Congrats to you too Mike I know how much hard work you put into it and from what I was told your final session went very well. All the work paid off!!