well done to all the girls and several parents who turned up today.they turned up at 10am and most of them stayed until 4pm.they all looked very smart in there new jackets and were a credit to themselves and most importantly to Carlisle City football club.the comments off the customers and the staff were very pleasing to hear.again well done girls as for santa TOP MAN.
Girls look very smart, where's Pigeon?he must have been in the drinks section when photo was taken!! either that or looking for medicine for his dodgy leg,Ha Ha.
pigeon was geting ready to do his santa stuff while the girls were getting there photo taking and then proceeded to stand outside in the foyer entertaining parents and children whilst freezing his bells of !!
The final total for the bag packing has came in at £826, 2 american quatars, 2 5 cents,1 1 dime,2 5 euros,2 2euros, 1 20 portogues escudos, 1 jersey 2p, 1 1/2p coin and a watch battery (so how the club gets its 10% out of that lot i dont no) But i would like to follow up what pigeon said about the girls they are a credit to this club and themselves. I would also like to thank Ray Swailes and Sue Park for thier continued surport of the girls section it is very much appreciated by all concerned