Talking to his dad at the weekend in the Howard. He's over the moon that Josh and Rachel have finally come out as a couple. Cilla buy a new hat for next summer.
Mind you I didn't know that Rushy had changed his name to Rachel, maybe that's why we haven't seen him at the Club for absolutely ages, it all makes sense now, shammow.
Dispite recent reports i can catagoricaly confirm that there has been no rift between me and rushy and that he has neither been replaced nore has had a sex change. But i appriciate your congratulations in our attempt to apply for a civil partnership and your support is welcome from all angles thanks guys!
After several texts to Mr H senior and the boy wonder I can confirm that I was a little too eager with my congratulatory message to Josh and Rachel. I am now reliably informed that they are just good friends. My sincere apologies to all concerned, especially Simon who will have to continue to put up with Rushy hiding under the duvet pretending to be a hamster. lmao.