The force is strong with this one....but the dark shadow will always be cast over the blue half of Manchester. You can buy the Premiership, but you cannot buy History, Agent Hughes will once again be your foil Obi One............
Yes the dark side always cast a shadow, but good will always prevail.
Chelsea bought the title as did the dark side and I hope we do as well. At least we will have change to do it again the year after and the year after.
As for history, we have plenty and I will teach you it, like I did Yoda Parker.
I agree that Carlos is a winner and he will settle with us because we will look after him. He may be the first to win consecutive premier titles with different Clubs in the same City. The force is with us Waza, have your peanuts, you will need your energy for this contest.
All I said was that Carlos may win the title in consecutive seasons with two different teams from the same City, that Chelsea and the Dark side bought it and I hope we can also.
I will take your bet, but what odds will give me?
Don't be thinking about cream, your on a diet and scum is a bit harsh, I'd never stoop that low, but then you are the dark lord.
If your going to get upset I'm going to have to ask Adie to allow you some crisps before bed time to balance your carbs up a bit, detox can be tough especially at your age.
Well my slim friend Carlos has joined Stan after all, along with Gareth and Roque, you should listen to the wise one more carefully in the future.
Mr Algeo is giving me 4/1 for a £20 bet, surely a man of your stature can match him. Evens is a bit mean!!!
Now let's see, who do we fancy next, a couple of centre backs for me, lets have JT, and Lescott or Toure.
The latest crack, is Michael Johnson and a some pocket change for Adebayor. Also had a mate of mine ring me to say he has seen Vidic in San Carlo Restaurant in Manchester (very nice place by the way, I might be able to take you if you give me 4/1) with Gary Cook the City CEO. Perhaps they were just having lunch and talking about the weather (I doubt it though, what do you think)
Ding Dong Waza.
Tell Robbie "the tank" Williams to practice "Angels" for the end of season do, he will make so much money from the lads he will be able to buy the new City strip.
Waza, how does anonymouse know about our hand bags, you said nobody would find out about us, i'm gonna have to start hiding behind an anonymouse title now, like all the other scardy cats.
Any way last post as MarkW, straight crack on Vidic, check out he San Carlo web site, it's where all the glitteratti of Manchester go (and yes I've eaten there, would you expect anything less), so it could be correct. Taggart said he wasn't spending any more dosh, he didn't say he wasn't selling anyone.
Give me 12 points and you have a deal.
Robbie the Tank could be drinking free peeve every sunday in the Goz if he just betted he could do more tot ups than Reedo, P-Pod and Paul Bell, he'd make a mint the boy!!!!!
See ya later big boy, 7.25 in Ex Club, there's a special agenda item tonight put forward by Keyesey and seconded by Bellas "Joe McGarry for Pope", it might go through unless Grumpy Gramps votes against it.
hey mark i think you might be right i think JACKIE EWBANKS may just object to that but to call him grumpy gramps is abit unfair he only wants your pun haha
Pleased to see Robbie is back, obviously taken in the Gozzy, how many Kronny's he had?
See your man Taggart is at it again. Just because we were original enough to welcome our man Carlos to Manchester, Taggart goes off on one. It's nothing to do with him is it, the poor old pensioner has lost it, it's maybe time he hung his track suit up and went down to the Ex Club for a couple of beers with Jackie, Ged and Syd and talk about their paper rounds.
I'm pleased Hughesey hasn't risen to the bait, top man.
Enjoy ya hols, ask Beardsmore if he fancies a game for our over 35's next time he is up, we wear sky blue.
The Tank went Walkabout on day one and came back this morning wearing a badgers coat and doing smoke signals to his bitches on the next camp site....the peace was great while he was away.
As for Beardo, he was playing in the North West Soccer Sixes for Man Utd last weekend with Blackmore. Had a few pints wid them and they said they would have played o 35 but they couldnt rely on your first touch...sorry mate I tried... sweet dreams!
Next - I will tell you on Thursday after Carling Cup tie at Palace, you won't like it though so no tantrums (Gozzy for 7.00pm if you fancy it).
City have as much chance as anyone setting the league alight, so far you have to say Spurs and Arsenal. Watched Liverpool last night and whilst I don't think they were great, you have to say Villa played well, particularly Friedel, saying that what was Stevie G doing for the pen?
Bellamy - Accepted, but not everyone has your smouldering good looks.
It stems from a conversation me and the boy were having in the pub on Sunday. He thinks because I'm an old man I don't remember things. Fair enough I cant remember if I brushed my teeth this morning but I can remember what he posted 6 months ago